Planning Committee - Thursday 3 October 2024, 7:30pm - Tandridge District Council Webcasting
Planning Committee
Thursday, 3rd October 2024 at 7:30pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for absence (if any)
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Mr Barry Gilham
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of interest
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Agenda item :
3 Minutes from the meeting held on the 5th September 2024
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Agenda item :
4 Applications for consideration by committee
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Agenda item :
4 a) 2023/375 - 3 Stuart Road, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9JH
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Helena Windsor
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Julie Duggan
Cllr. Ian Booth
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Helena Windsor
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Cllr. Julie Duggan
Cllr. Ian Booth
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Ian Booth
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Agenda item :
4 b) 2024/412 - Hillbury Cottage, 246 Hillbury Road, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9TP
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Cllr. Julie Duggan
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Ian Booth
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Ian Booth
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Helena Windsor
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Agenda item :
4 c) 2023/482 - Land South of Crawley Down Road, Felbridge
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Public Speaker
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Helena Windsor
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deano Cline
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Julie Duggan
Cllr. Ian Booth
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Helena Windsor
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Keith Prew
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Agenda item :
4 d) 2024/483 - Sports Pavilion, Mill Lane Playing Field, Mill Lane, Hurst Green, Surrey, RH8 9DF
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Cllr. Sir Nicholas White
Cllr. Ian Booth
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Helena Windsor
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Agenda item :
4 e) 2022/1475 - 52 Featherstone, Blindley Heath, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6JY
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Mr Barry Gilham
Cllr. Perry Chotai
Cllr. Julie Duggan
Cllr. Jeffrey Gray
Cllr. Helena Windsor
Cllr. Deborah Sherry
Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Agenda item :
5 Recent appeal decisions received
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Cllr. Keith Prew
Agenda item :
6 Any urgent business
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Cllr. Claire Blackwell
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Agenda Front Sheets - 3 October 2024, opens in new tab
- Supplementary Agenda - 3 October 2024, opens in new tab
- Committee Report - 2023/375, opens in new tab
- Committee Plan - 2023/375, opens in new tab
- Committee Report - 2024/412, opens in new tab
- Committee Plan - 2024/412, opens in new tab
- Committee Report - 2023/482, opens in new tab
- Committee Plan - 2023/482, opens in new tab
- Committee Report - 2024/483, opens in new tab
- Committee Plan - 2024/483, opens in new tab
- Committee Report - 2022/1475, opens in new tab
- Committee Plan - 2022/1475, opens in new tab